While there's no way to know exactly what type of offer the seller will accept, when making your offer you should take into account several things. The more things I can tuck away neatly, the better. In an older child's space, one color used on all the furniture (white, cornflower blue, or buttercup-yellow) will give the room a tidier, more uniform feel. To ease our bewilderment, handy aids such as large L-shaped chips exist to judge trim colors and flip charts of suggested color combinations. Family and friends aren't going to judge your rooms in technical terms anyway. Children appreciate being included in making the decisions regarding their rooms. A dark color will add mystery and romance (on a practical note, dark rooms also remain cleaner-looking longer). Think of your background color as a plate on which you are presenting all the other elements: furnishings, accessories, art. And today there are any number of freewheeling colors based on crayons along with awesome special-effect finishes like glow-in-the-dark paint and glitter. If the color seems too dominant, switch to a lighter value on the paint strip. Follow their cue, and combine several different tones of white: Paint the ceiling a bright, wake-up white; color the walls a more forgiving creamy-white; and dress the chairs and couch in slipcovers of natural cotton.
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