You're Welcome. Here are 8 Noteworthy Recommendations on Ket

Katie Couric Is the Latest Celeb to Catch the "Keto Flu" - But What Is That? Katie Couric is the latest celebrity to publicly sing the praises of the diet, which generally calls for eliminating sugar and grains, eating low carb, moderating protein, and piling on the good fats. So If you're thinking of switching to a raw food diet, there are a few things you should know first. "When you eat a very low-carb diet, do a period of prolonged exercise, or go for a long period of time without eating, there is some increase in the level of ketones in the body, but it's not necessarily dangerous because the ketones are at a low to moderate level," explains Rekha Kumar, MD, endocrinologist at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. If your ketone levels are low and you feel OK, test again in a few hours, being sure to drink water to stay hydrated and avoid exercise, as activity can increase levels of ketones.