Entry fees are non-transferable between individuals or to future races. There will be "Last Chance" garbage disposal areas as you leave each aid stations at all 2024 races. Participants who complete a technique for which they are not registered (for example - ski the skate course when they registered for classic) will be credited for completing the race but will not be given a finish time, will not be eligible for awards, and will not be included in the official results. Try skate or classic, this interactive map experience has it all! Experience the race again or for the first time! In the first version of Yarns, troubleshooting parsing breakdowns highlighted the plurality of IndieWeb site architectures. This wave celebrates the spirit of the 35 intrepid skiers who finished the first Birkie in 1973. It is comprised of a small group of skiers who have completed the most Birkies and therefore have a special place in the race’s history. Look up your PBE in the year column of the Wave Seeding Table of the race for which you are registered.
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