Starring Jolene Hexx and Diana Grace
The girls look great and give fine campy performances in these 2 fun scenarios. In the first, outlaw sisters Diana and Jolene are hiding out in a car. They’ve been ambushed and the cops are firing at them from all sides. Refusing to surrender, they return fire. Jolene is hit and falls back, clutching her chest. Diana continues to fight. But then she is also hit and falls next to her sister. The girls exchange some corny dialogue while their eyes roll back and they go limp. A cop opens the car door and moves the girls limp bodies around a bit. In the second scenario, the girls are fighting it out with the cops again, returning fire relentlessly. Jolene is hit and falls to the couch in agony. Diana comforts her sister while continuing to fight. Jolene’s eyes roll back and she goes limp, hanging over the arm of the couch. Then Diana is hit and falls back against a wall, sliding to the floor. A cop comes in and briefly manipulates the girls bodies. He partially strips them and leaves them there. Scene #KOB0740